Aliudae of Ma'onui

Ailurus Cervidae


The Aliudae initially evolved as omnivore with strong nomadic/hunter behavior where survival depended on learning the behaviour and traits of various prey-species in their local environment.

As the species developed, they formed small tribes and fossilised tree carvings show evidence of some societal roles beginning to form around this time.
Eventually these grew in size, making it more and more difficult to hunt the declining wildlife while moving the whole tribe to follow the migration patterns & not interfering/crossing paths with another tribe.

This marked a very dark and difficult time full of war in their history where many battles were fought between tribes as food became scarce. Many of the Aliudae died in this time, with some historians estimating as much as half of all Aliudae dying either directly to the war or indirectly via starvation.

Fighting all the time forced the Aliudae to stay in the same locations and build more permanent/stable dwellings to resist the constant raids between these proto-villages.
Towards the end of the age of war, as populations dwindled, many of the surviving members of their budding society were upset with the constant warring as they had been born into it and the original reason for the fighting had been lost to prehistory.

The remaining members of the surviving tribes each banded together in their villages and new forms of governance were invented and used across the various villages.
Many villages went extinct during this time, unable to organise ways to still effectively hunt and feed their populations but also unwilling to seek help from the other villages for fear of war starting out again.

One of the smaller villages during this time had found itself founded in the plains and due to the wars, all of the local animal populations had gone extinct and hunting parties couldn't stray far enough to hunt without running into another settlement.

The stories handed down through the generations told of how the leader of this tribe had used knowledge passed down through their family of what plants were best to bait the local wildlife. Instead of foraging for plants to use as bait, they started to attempt to grow these plants near to the village as a source of food and became the basis of modern agriculture.

After discovering how easily they could grow these plants for food the village grew and thrived, jumpstarting a golden age of discovery and some of the earliest evidence of structured science. During this time, mathematics and written language were invented and formalised as the need to keep track of vast quantities of resources became a necessity.
Around this same time a leader of the village put a set of laws in place, which we believe to be the oldest remaining evidence of record keeping and written language.

These laws were called "Taë æn Gaia", what we now know & follow as the 'Laws of Nature'.
Soon after these were created, messenger parties went forth from this village to seek out and spread this knowledge amongst the rest of the Aliudae.


From what we see in the historical records, all of the other villages had decided to follow the Laws of Nature and soon the entire species had united under the same government and information started to flow between the villages at a rapid pace.

During this age of information, a scientist discovered the secret to electricity and created the first way to communicate across great distances: The Enlightening Tower as it had been named, it used large lamps with shutters to send flashes of light to the next tower in the chain. As the flashes could be seen from a wide angle, information could be sent out to the other villages all at the same time without needing to physically travel between villages.

It did not take long for this invention to spread and for a network of towers to crop up around the world, connecting every village together. As others came to learn about this new technology, formal education was established to give certification badges to someone to show they could work with electricity without danger. This sparked a whole new wave of scientists to join the original and research into what else it could be used for.

Eventually, education of other disciplines was formalised and many new ones developed. Villages grew into towns and the artisans/scientists for each town began to specialise based on their available natural resources.

Modern Society

- - - Work in Progress! - - -

Modern Aliudae society consists of many cities connected by communication towers to share information, with each specialising in a different discipline. There also is an associated philosophy with each town representing certain personality traits.